Watch as Pastor Mark Block shares the last message in the sermon series "Going Forward." This message deals with the need for God's people to have strong faith.
Bible passages referenced in sermon:
Gospel of John Chapter 11
Mark 6:5-6 + Matthew 13:58
Mark 5:34
Mark 9:23
Matthew 21:21-22
Quote from John Calvin's Commentary on John 11:40.
"If thou believe. This is said, not only because faith opens our eyes, that we may be able to see the power of God shining in his works, but because our faith prepares the way for the power, mercy, and goodness of God, that they may be displayed towards us, as it is said, Open thy mouth wide, and I will fill it, (Psalm 81:10.) In like manner, unbelief, on the other hand, hinders God from approaching us, and may be said to keep his hands shut. On this account it is said elsewhere, that Jesus could not perform any miracle there on account of their unbelief, (Matthew 13:58.)
Not that the power of God is bound by the caprice of men, but because, as far as they are able, their malice opposes the exercise of that power, and therefore they do not deserve that it should be manifested to them. Frequently, indeed, does God overcome such obstacles; but yet, whenever he withdraws his hand, so as not to assist unbelievers, this is done because, shut up within the narrow limits of their unbelief, they do not allow it to enter. "