What should I expect when I visit?
You should come expecting the people of Calvary Full Gospel to love you for who you are. We are a passionate group of people who love to serve The Lord. Come expecting a vibrant worship service as well as Biblical preaching.
What should I wear?
God does not look on the outward appearance, but on the heart. Throughout the congregation you will see some people dressed in jeans and a t-shirt while others may be wearing a suit. What matters is that you come with a heart prepared to worship God.
Do you have opportunities for my kids to get involved?
We do. Here at Calvary Full Gospel we believe that younger generations are important to God. Sunday Mornings, after the singing and during the sermon, children first grade and below can enjoy Children's Church. This is a good opportunity for kids to connect with other kids while learning on their level. On Wednesday Nights we also have a kids class after the singing for kids aged 8 and below.
What kind of music does the Praise Team play?
God glorifying music! The Praise Team utilizes contemporary songs as well as hymns. Whatever songs we sing, we sing for the glory of God.
Do you have a nursery?
We do. If you need to step out of the sanctuary during the service to attend to your child we have a nursery located downstairs. In the nursery there is a television set up that shows the service going on upstairs so you won’t be left out.
What does "Full Gospel" mean?
When we say "Full Gospel" we simply mean that we are a church that believes the good news (gospel) of Jesus. Many "Full Gospel" churches align around the truth that "Christ is Savior, Sanctifier, Healer, and Soon Coming King." We also believe the gifts of the Spirit are still available and should be pursued in the present age until the return of Jesus. We are not saying that other churches do not proclaim or have the Gospel. We are a non-denominational church and are not affiliated with any denominations.